Fuel tank removal 2015 r3t

Eric R.

Sep 10, 2015
Palmer, MA
2015 Rocket 3 Touring
Hi Guys, I want to remove my tank on my r3t. I did do a search, but I'm asking about a "banjo washer on the fuel line"? Should I have a new ready for when I put the tank back on?
Also, I looked in the service manual for directions to do this, and they were talking about pressure testing the fuel injection system afterwards with a special instrument?
Is this necessasy to do just for disconnecting and reconnecting the fuel lines under the tank?
I remember removing my tank on my Nomad when I owned it, which also had fuel injection, and I didn't do anything as far as testing afterwards.
Thankyou for any advice given, Eric
The old banjo washer should be Ok,when you are finished just look for any leaks.
Eric just use a small hose clamp when you disconnect the fuel line you don’t have to do anything else just reconnect line and add fuel you will be good to go. I disconnected the fuel line from fuel rail makes it easier to control any fuel left in the tank.
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No need to undo the banjo. As dirtbikebager mentioned, remove the hose from the fuel rail, insert an M8 bolt in the line, lift the tank off. You may get a tiny bit of fuel that leaks out, so ventilate the area. You'll get the same amount of fuel undoing the bajo so.

Saves the headache of new banjo and potential leaks
When reconnecting (tip shared by @Neville Lush ) cycle the ignition three times. That is, turn on the ignition, let the fuel pump run 'til it stops. Repeat twice. Being a recirculating system, should be good to go at that point. Mine was.