I'm with
@dirtbagbiker on this for the most part. I think the float in the tank may have gotten stuck as a fluke from lifting the tank. I would be real suspicious of the connector that goes on the instrument cluster as well. Pull the cluster and clean all the dielectric grease of from both the cluster and the plug connections. Closely inspect for a bad or bent pin. If all is well relube the connector and make sure it is seated back on the cluster all of the way. I guess the last thing I would do is pull the tank and remove the inspection plate to check the float. While I had it apart I would replace the fuel filter just because of the age of the bike and fuel might have been setting in there for a long time. Gummy deposits maybe something is sticking. Buy a new tank gasket and tank banjo gasket and put it back together if everything looks good. Also check the 10 amp fuse in position 3 as I just saw it has function over instrument memory, accessory plug, heated grips...probably not likely, but easy to check.
No, the gage does not sweep on the touring and I often ride several miles before my gage begins to read the fuel level in the tank after a fill up. Just my $0.02