Fuel Gauge and possible speedo issues R3T

Check the plug again rock bike side to side to make sure fuel float not hung up put in more gas and ride I have had this happen many times when you first turn the power on the fuel gauge will read the amount of fuel in the tank when you press the starter button the gauge will drop to empty when the bike starts the fuel gauge will go back up how I know this I have a lithium ion battery in my bike when it is cold it has a hard time starting after about two to three attempts to start the bike fuel gauge stop working because like I said when you push the starter button the fuel gauge drops to empty after riding a while it starts to read again I have changed my bars it happened I changed my fuel filter in the tank it happens I discount the battery and this happens but sooner or later it always starts to read again give it some more time
guys use a tunecu program & cable to help them diagnose problems. i do not know if it has the gas gauge info. but if it does then u could check what info is getting to the ecu. if that info was correct then your prob would be from ecu to fuel gauge. if u do not have tunecu i would advice to get them.
u might be able to mointer the voltage.
I don't see this as a problem it is just what it does once you understand that you realize there is no problem
I get what you are saying I am just sharing my experiences with you i got the bike new in 2010 it is a 2009 it has 52,000 miles on it and that is what it has done since new I would be interested to hear other touring owners experience
I'm with @dirtbagbiker on this for the most part. I think the float in the tank may have gotten stuck as a fluke from lifting the tank. I would be real suspicious of the connector that goes on the instrument cluster as well. Pull the cluster and clean all the dielectric grease of from both the cluster and the plug connections. Closely inspect for a bad or bent pin. If all is well relube the connector and make sure it is seated back on the cluster all of the way. I guess the last thing I would do is pull the tank and remove the inspection plate to check the float. While I had it apart I would replace the fuel filter just because of the age of the bike and fuel might have been setting in there for a long time. Gummy deposits maybe something is sticking. Buy a new tank gasket and tank banjo gasket and put it back together if everything looks good. Also check the 10 amp fuse in position 3 as I just saw it has function over instrument memory, accessory plug, heated grips...probably not likely, but easy to check.

No, the gage does not sweep on the touring and I often ride several miles before my gage begins to read the fuel level in the tank after a fill up. Just my $0.02

Thank you! That's great info!
My bike is a 2015 and has always taken a little time for the gauge to read correctly after a fill up.
Me too, my gauge takes a while....miles to go reading doesn't update until the gauge reading gets right either. Never a horribly long time, but always does it, so that is how I reckon it's just the nature of the beast.
Me too, my gauge takes a while....miles to go reading doesn't update until the gauge reading gets right either. Never a horribly long time, but always does it, so that is how I reckon it's just the nature of the beast.

I filled the tank several times. The gauge is dead. I rode the bike 100+ miles yesterday, and still dead. I took it to a mechanic yesterday, but he doesn't have the service manual for the Touring model, and the pin diagrams for the instrument plug are different between the Touring and Roadster (he could find the Roadster diagram). Does anyone know where I can find the Touring service manual or electrical diagrams?