Front end shake Wobble

I just had my bike in to get fork seals done. One of them leaked quite a bit of oil and I thought this might be causing my decel wobble. He also checked the tire which is all good.

The wobble is now much worse. It used to wiggle on decel between 70 and 60 kph while engine breaking and was fairly subtle. As soon as I got the bike back it is now a tank slapper between 80k and 50k.

Does anyone know how involved a job it is to tighten the headstock? Is this something that they can nip up while I wait?

I don't have my service manual handy but I think this is worth trying.

Loanstar, It's not something they can do while you wait,the top yoke has to be removed to get access to the adjusting nut.
Thanks for the reply. Do you know if it is possible to diagnose without removing the yolk?

Just got home, checking the manual. Bit of a piss off seeing as I asked them to diagnose this while they did the forks.

Edit... Brought it back to the shop and they took it for a test ride. They are going to fix it on their dime by tightening the adjuster. If it still wobbles after tightening, they suggested that it could be a bad tire combo. I have the Metzler on the rear and an Avon up front. I know lots of you run the Avon up front with various tires on the back with no problems but I might just have a bad tire...
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I have an'13 Touring and have NO wobble...even when I ride hands off ( I know, I shouldn't do this, but after seeing these posts...well, you understand!) I agree with others who posted here, do not take the dealer at their word. Put their asses on the bike and tell them to do exactly what you have done when experiencing the wobble! Maybe a high-speed ass-wiggling will get their attention!
On my 2014 Roadster I've had to have the Headstock bearings tightened twice due to a wobble
Both times it corrected the problem and both times the adjustments took about an hr.
I had a wobble on the Falcon every now and then but I am not sure of the speed as there are no numbers down in the Odometer area. I am working on a steering damper mount for my NA bike then I will work one out for the FA which will be harder do to the intercooler!!
Definitely sounds like head stem bearings loose jack up bike front end off the deck & grab the bottom of the forks try to wobble backwards & forwards. Usually a quarter turn of the head nut will get out the slack. Don't over tighten make sure its not binding lock to lock. The workshop manual has a good how to on it. Good luck

Yeah, the mechanic and I discussed the procedure the other day. It sounds like he's pretty familiar with the Rocket and he explained what he was going to do to tighten it up. They've done other work for me before and have been pretty good so far. I live in a small city and they are well known with a good reputation that they want to preserve. They are also a Boss Hoss dealer!

They are doing this on their dime since addressing the wobble was on the original work order and was obviously not rectified. I'm fairly certain the decel wobble is the bearing. I have felt a little front end knock while going over some bumps and the curb into my driveway in the past, so snugging it up should take care of it.

We'll find out on Wednesday. Worst case, I'll change out the front tire.
Well, got the steering tightened up and the wobble was still there. Put on a matching front tire and the wobble is much better. Still a light wiggle but hardly noticable. We'll see what happens when I change out the back.