Thanks, can you tell me how safe it is, what is the issue if any, how do you do it and where to download ?
Note I am in the USA, would that be any difference?
Thanks a lot, really appreciate your inputs and support.
Sorry if i missed it, but i didn't see it in the other pages of this thread, what is the OBD LX as in, is it one particular manufacturer and model of device, and where do i obtain such a device, I have a Garmin OBDII BlueTooth unit, is this the same idea?
Sorry if i missed it, but i didn't see it in the other pages of this thread, what is the OBD LX as in, is it one particular manufacturer and model of device, and where do i obtain such a device, I have a Garmin OBDII BlueTooth unit, is this the same idea?
Sorry if i missed it, but i didn't see it in the other pages of this thread, what is the OBD LX as in, is it one particular manufacturer and model of device, and where do i obtain such a device, I have a Garmin OBDII BlueTooth unit, is this the same idea?
Sorry if i missed it, but i didn't see it in the other pages of this thread, what is the OBD LX as in, is it one particular manufacturer and model of device, and where do i obtain such a device, I have a Garmin OBDII BlueTooth unit, is this the same idea?
Cheers Penner,
Let us know when it is available and how it works, I have a cheap back up android phone by BLU and it should work.
Just waiting on you guys to say how to work and how safe it is, and then purchase the TUNE.