Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Vielen dank, Herr Penner. Map loaded successfully. Smoother, linear running was my priority and I have that now. I'm not an aggressive rider but I do appreciate the pub bragging rights of having a bike with 190 + bhp (the official Triumph figure is 165 bhp at the crank, I believe, so the revised figure must be north of 190).

FYI I followed all the instructions except resetting the adaptations. All functions working fine afterwards.
Hi all just got a couple of questions to those in the know
1) is the Penner map more suitable than the stock map to run with the competition works slip on.
2) is an Autel maxiVCI mini compatible with the connection block on the bike for loading the map.
And finally does the 2.5 rocket use the K line ecu.
many thanks
Get the OBDLink LX for Bluetooth connection. Keihin ECU. Penner better than stock- yes.
I may have a map loaded in my TFC and dyno measured pre and post tune. I will want my mechanic and tuner to upload the map for me. I am not tech savvy and prefer to have a professional working on my bike. Where can I obtain a step by step written procedure outline with a list of all the necessary hardware? I'd like to make this a easy as possible for my techs. They bare the same one that build my Lush Roadster and tuned with the Tune ECU and and PCV on a dyno.
1) Yes.
2) Get the LX. You’ll wish you had if you don’t.
I can send you the steps DNK sent me. They were very simple to follow. And if your guy knows TuneECU it will he that much easier. Let me know if you would like them and send me PM I will send them along.
There is plenty of written support. Join A lot is on the TuneECU Facebook site under Files and Announcements. On the Boards site, there are “how to’s” etc. The Penner tune s on You can buy a DNK tune also. Unless your tech has an unlimited TuneECU license, you need to get the hardware and software yourself. That boards site tells you the recommended Android tablet (or phone) . You can’t download unless the app is registered correctly and that can be a ***** and take some time to resolve. If your tech has already done this, don’t worry about it.
Yes getting the TuneECU registered after it was taken off Google Play was a PITA. I just kept checking back and after and hour it had registered itself. I assume if your tech uses Tune ECU regularly he will have a pro account. Or maybe he just asks each customer to register themselves and takes their login info. The process of downloading and flashing a map is very simple for anyone once they have done it once which it sounds like your guy will have covered for sure.