Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

At 6800, where the soft cut of the rev limiter starts to work, hp output has alreday reached it´s maximum.
That is about 170hp at the rear wheel with ETVs set to 100% all over.
From 6800 to 7400 it is probably the throttle blades that are shut down.
If you could get deeper in the ECU you will find a table, that does it.
But about 170hp is all you will get, unless you modify the hardware.
Saw a video of someone* hitting 171 or something on a dyno and for the life of me can't find the video anymore. I'll keep searching and post it if I come across it.

The video had a title in Thai.
Aero factors will play into a real world run and wind resistance will become a factor. I wonder what the OEM tires are rated for? The bike is just not set up for extreme speeds like the cowled sport bikes and I hope stability will not be a problem at 180+ mph?

If you have limited your bike out to 147, like I have, it feels pretty fast but not dangerous if the road conditions are suitable. I really can live with 147 but a bit more would be nice to have available. If the bike would run %100 fuel all the way up to the speed limit I’d be pleased.
Where is the speed limiter found in the ecu? The power could be plateaued because of the super secret ecu cut outside fuel tables we have already looked at. Just like the speed limiter isn’t in the fuel tables but can cut power even if we have all values set to 100% in tables.
that was scary, sent Penners map over to the GT, said it was successful, put the fuses back in, went to start it, and no joy, shut it off, gave it a minute, tried again and it started, but threw two engine codes, shut down, cleared those, and now we seem to be good, hopefully
Did you power cycle the bike like the tuneecu app tells you? This is before you put the fuse back in (just headlamp fuse should be removed).
Don´t worry. Tune-ECU is a little tricky sometimes. But you can always get it sorted out. And if she runs now, everything is fine.
Don´t worry. Tune-ECU is a little tricky sometimes. But you can always get it sorted out. And if she runs now, everything is fine.
I shut down, then put the fuses back in, i let run after i cleared the codes and we seem to be good, shut it down, waited a minute and it started right back up again, actually a little quicker than normal, but that could have because it was hot already. head out shortly and see what kind of havoc we can wreak on the highway now.
I installed this map on my 2020 R3GT on Monday and definitely feel the difference - couple questions [I'm not a tuneecu pro] #1. with using that map, guess VIN doesn't make a difference or once connected to bike, tuneecu makes the adjustment for that - or it doesn't matter? #2. a friend had his done with DNK and now redline hits 7400 mine is just below 7k [I think] - would DNK make any difference for this map, or should I be content with what I have successfully installed? #3. How can I confirm that that map is on there, what should I look for that denotes the change when connected to tuneecu - THANKS!
So I’m from Australia. There’s nowhere really legally you can go past 110-120kmh. I think there’s one road in the outback with no speed limit but I ain’t riding halfway across Australia to get there. I find more excitement going from 0-110 then I do from going fast. The debate of the rev limiter. I personally don’t see the point raising it to 7400. I think I’ve set mine at 7000. And the only times I’ve hit it, is when I’ve wanted to hit it to see what it does. I wouldn’t mind a bit more excitement in the down low, I’m not sure if that’s achievable or not. But so far I’m still happy with the Penner tune.