Forward controls vs highway pegs

Find someone who has a standard around you so you can see if switching to them is what your looking for. The forwar pegs are easier to find. Also try a R3T as the floor boards and rails will bolt on to your roadster.

Now from what I've seen of thr forward controls and for that matter the new TFC has controls you can move. I've seen them forward and then midway. In the video you can see the forward mounting holes. Looks like they were thimking ahead a little. Of course tip them over and the break out of the engine case
I think that could end up sucking period!!!!
I recently added a sheepskin covered gel pad and on the first ride with it, there was a noticable difference. After seeing some negative feedback about Corbin seats and the way they mount to the R3R, I'm holding off on ordering one and will see if the gel pad can be a long term fix.
....The earlier seats with rider's backrest fit the roadster but as you have found they do position you even further fwd and feel cramped with the Roadsters peg position....

Does a Roadster seat put you further back than an 06 standard seat or is my wishful thinking coloring my reading comprehension.
Does a Roadster seat put you further back than an 06 standard seat or is my wishful thinking coloring my reading comprehension.
It may do but possibly in combo wth the peg position. There are quite a few Accessory seat options from the early series which remained on sale and fit Roadsters so a seat from a Roadster may be just another Accessory seat. As a dual seat with or without the riders backrest the CLASSIC TOURING SEAT - DUAL A9708164 accessory seat is possibly the best Dual for pillions and is sold here in Oz and the UK for about Au$180 (US$128) now as the backrests are no longer available. The hole is plugged with a neat plastic plug so does not affect use if w/o backrest. You can then make your own riders backrest if you like.

The other thing that places you further fwd with the factory rider's backrest and seat is that the mounting position of the backrest through the bolster rather than behind like the aftermarket 'Utopia' tends to reduce 'room'. I found the furthest back on the 6 stage adjustment was not enough and the 6 steps really should be just 3 for all the effect they have between steps.

DUAL SEAT KIT - CLASSIC A9708059 - this is the hole free version but the seat cushion on the pillion pad is different as well and this may give the rider more room, I have never had one.

The photo below seems to suggest there is more rider room with a flatter rear bolster.

Then the 'Lowrider' was 1' lower cushion height and deeper bolster again which would tend to push the rider fwd and down.

The gel pad is inside a sheepskin cover. Can't imagine getting my bum burned even if the bike is parked in direct sun.
Oh believe me - once the sheepskin is matted down through use - Still gets hot. I run 1.5" of Gel - under a 6-8mm 3D mesh. tbh since I started wearing 100% Kevlar lined trousers I am less concerned. But Have a bit of old chamois leather I leave over the top of the seat - once bitten!.
On my previous bike (Kawasaki Nomad 1700), I had the seat reworked twice. The second time, I had a gel pad inserted into the seat. I did not like it. It seemed to transmit more vibration than an all foam seat did. I found that more tiring. I live in Florida and the concern about absorbing heat did not occur for me.