Foran Exhaust for R3


Aug 16, 2008
I was impressed with what Foran did for the T-Bird and asked what was coming for the Rocket, here is the response .....

Hi Kelly
Thanks for your inquiry
We are making a Radius pipe for the Rocket 3.
on the 5th of February, We have got a customer coming in to have a custom Radius pipe fitted, like the thunder birds
We are going to make a jig of this pipe, so we will be able to supply you one after this date.
Cost will be $1150(Australian) + freight approx $175 The pipe wil be polished 304 stainless steel, and designed to have a nice deep note.
Please let us know if you would be interested in one these
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Johannes" <>
To: "Sales Area" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: Rocket III exhaust
If they do for the R3 what they did for the T-bird, I'm gonna have to **** $1200. :pI'm sorry, I love the bird ... but it sounds weird out of the box. That sound clip and down-turned pipes really did something for the whole package. Just what it needed.
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