For the thousandth time, tires

Good eye there graybeard @barbagris !
Kinda looks like a little Exedra Max and V rated.
Reckon I shall add this to my tire list.
BTW - I'm looking forward to giving this new Pilot 5 front tire a good run in the Arkansas Ozarks.
So is the E-Max!. - One thing you may have missed in the H50 lineup 140/75R17 M/C 67V TL
Doesn't sound like what we want more like what we are trying to get away from.

BATTLECRUISE H50 | Motorcycle Tires | Bridgestone Corporation

The BATTLECRUISE H50: The comfort in cruising on American V-Twins, made available with the introduction of additional size line up, broadening the world of American riding.

Cruising in relaxed style on big displacement American cruisers.
This is where the BATTLECRUISE H50 promises to lead you.
“Long Life”, “Smooth Handling” and “Comfort Riding” are the key features that H50 offers.
he rear tire can claim a long life as much as 2.7 times of the EXEDRA MAX.
Its handling capabilities allow even bikes of nearly 300kg to turn smoothly at both low and high speeds, minimizing fall-in characteristics in turns.
By reducing the transmissions of vibration of V-Twins, it provides a comfortable ride and helps to prevent fatigue, even when touring over long distances.
With the BATTLECRUISE H50, designed specially for big-displacement American cruisers, we want you to savor the laid-back cruising of the V-Twin.

Recommended for
●Riders with American OEM cruisers
●Riders wanting smooth control of heavier American cruisers.
●Riders who enjoy long-distance touring, high-speed cruising on cruisers.

It's getting close for me to re-shoe also. about 8500 miles on stock rubber and losing confidence in them FAST. All the reading looks like E-Max for the rear, and was leaning towards Avons for the front, but everything I've seen touts the dry weather grip, but doesn't speak highly of the wet/cold performance. Some one stated that the Mich Commander II was comparable to the Avon but had better wet weather grip. Agree/Disagree?
I ride year round in the Mid-Atlantic (SoMD) area so it gets cold and wet.
After much internal debate, I've decided to go away from the Avon front, for exactly the reasons you mention @Stillserving . It is a great tire, with phenomenal grip, its not terribly noisy and wears well. There is nothing wrong with the Avon front, but, there is room for improvement in the 30-40f temp range when it's wet outside. I had a couple quite scary moments in January because of that (yeah, I know, who rides in January in the

That said, Ill be trying out a Pilot Power RS rear flipped backwards on the front. 140/70R17, W speed rated, triple compound, and it is a 3d printed tire not traditionally wrapped tread. I've never been comfortable with the idea of running a rear flipped backwards as a front, however, since the new tires (Michelin Power RS, Dunlop Q4, and Michelin Road 5) are all 3d printed, there is no seam like usual.

@1olbull has a Road 5 rear mounted backwards out front right now, looking forward to his feedback, since it's a very similar tire to the Power RS from a technical perspective, just with better wet grip and longevity compared to the Power RS.

The Power RS is going to wear fast, but, I'm totally ok replacing front/rear at the same time instead of weird intervals where I never have a new set because of wear offset.

Michelin Power RS Tires - RevZilla

Ya, go with the comm II in that climate

Me reckons you may consider yet more internal debate.
I have found a 130/80R17 with a 240/55R16 to fault the ABS. This is a 8.47% ratio difference.
I have found a 140/75R17 with a 240/55R16 not to fault the ABS. This is a 8.17% ratio difference.
Your new combo will produce a 6.4% circumference ratio which will result in a 10.3% ratio difference from the OEM sizes.
Therefor, I reckon you will fault your ABS.

The 150/60 you're running isn't causing any fault is it? Seems weird to go back to a 150 vs 140 to speed up handling, but I think the steeper shape of a Power RS 150/60 vs the Avon 140/75 will improve both grip and agility, since the 140/70 is too much that is.

Doing some math I find the 150/60 is shorter than both the 130/80 and 140/75, interesting.
Thanks @EasTexRIII , I think it was your post that I read. And Rob, I ride all year round down into the teens! Most people around here think I'm crazy, but I guess seeing my Dad ride in those temps growing up I never thought twice about it. Just gotta wear the right gear