That gentlemen is how you sell a motorcycle. No need for a bunch of Mr Cools in tight pants talking to their big boobed girlfriends with little butts and looking cool on their bikes. No cool looking guys that look like they lost their razors two days ago either. Nothing but a bike with the proper Music to back it up. Was sitting around back in Sept 2015 and was searching new bikes. Looked at all the new Harley's and figured boring. $hit my 2010 Fatboy could take them. (Modified a bit) Ended up seriously looking at a BMW sport touring bike. Just was not nuts about it. Then i got a idea. Looked at Triumphs. Had a 2005 Bonneville America. Traded it in on the Harley. Saw the video Paul posted. Exactly the same video. It was love at first sight. Wife walked by and said "Kitchen cabinets first" Had a few beers in me and every time I watch the video the eyeballs would get all teared up. Two weeks later grand kid and wife drove me down to Dallas Forth Worth. Bike was already financed and ready for pick up. In person it was worse. Sat on it and cried like a baby. Took a bit of time riding around the shop before hitting the highway. Told the wife and grand kid to go get lunch. After a bit and getting use to the bike hit the Highway. Never looked back. Match from heaven or hell however you want to look at it.
47,000 miles later still at times look out at the front pourch and get a tear in the eye. Truimph are you listening. Wake the $uck up. We are not all twenty years and interested in show with no go. Some of us over 50 crowd what the real thing. Did i leave anything out? Thanks Paul for posting the video. Yes love the pipes have not had one issue with them since i bought them a few years back. Keeping it real.