Fitted the Foran pipes today. Sound is awsome; exactly what I've been wanting. Went for a quick spin and have to say I was a bit disappointed in the performance; felt sluggish compared to the TORS but did rev out OK. Got home and did the 12 minute tune. What a difference! Pulls like a train and feels much stronger now than it did with the TORS. Real pleased. Might have to give the Dobeck a tweak too - just to see what happens.
Thanks Pete for making these available. They're real quality and fitting was straight forward with only a small amount of persuasion needed.
All I need now is to fill in the gap between the intake and the tank..............
Thanks mate. I don't expect they're likely to be too loud; they're quieter (but a LOT deeper) than the TORS and I've not had any issues with them in 3 years. But if you do manage to find the baffles it wouldn't hurt to have them just in case.
Sent you a message via your web site.
By the way, here's some of the pics I took of your bike.
Noticed in the pics you posted you're missing a radiator shroud side piece , that lost or broken ? May have a spare one floating about. PM me if you are after one mate.
CanberraR3, Your bike looks great and I want that intake! That looks awesome, and I don't like overusing that adjective. I am sure you have posted about this in the past, but I have only been on since May. I saw in your profile that this is a custom, If you get a chance, could you give me a quick run down on how you did it? It just really fits the bike for looks. Thanks, Jon
That intake was actually created and made by Cobba who has since passed away RIP and was his first attempt at it, he made an improved version which was on the bike when had his fatal MVA
As you will see, the intake was made by Cobba, who passed away. The one I have was his prototype and sadly is a one off; the one he pictured in the thread was Mark II. He had Mark III on the drawing board. I originally put it on just to see how I'd like it but I think it's there to stay. With the big K&N it draws really well, especially after i cranked up the fuelling. A couple of people are investigating options for making them in SS and CF, so you never know.