For Mr 1olbull, sir.

So - A bit of hacking, sawing, milling and swearing later.

Red circles around the mounting bolts - Helicoils in the heatsink - still some little spacers to make so teh alloy does not actually touch the ABS
Green circles around what would be the mudguard mounting bolts. And obviously that BIG HOLE needs to be covered (maybe with a fan inside).

A LOT of metal has come off. It's a bastid shape inside that chrome thing.

Need the brass "earth" screws now before I go further.

The construction is over my head, but tis looking good! Can't wait to learn how bright!
When/how do I get one?
Patience - There are still quite a few small fiddly things to work out. As well as a Stress Test with a thermocouple inside. And this is only the proof of concept run.
It was VERY quick and dirty, and I knew I would butcher the first one. I can do better - And will, eventually. I have parts for two more attempts.

I may need to consult with the R3O 'lectrics Guru on one or two things. One thing I am still struggling with is where to put the tail light dimmer. In the light unit will not (with the current set up) be possible. May require a bit of a rethink re wiring and I need to get some waterproof connectors. I know Ken has a circuit designed to do the job.

But I have to shift my attention to my Guzzi next week. It's not running and I need a new Alternator. The specialist in Germany is back to work on Tuesday. It's not a plug'n'play thing but better and cheaper than finding original parts.

But if you want to DIY - All the parts (except a Triumph Tail Light to butcher) are easy to find on ebay: it's where I got them. And I have no secrets regarding the design. (warts and all) .

If it were me I WOULD NOT modify the light you use daily.
OK - as I fully expected a HUGE issue here with the OEM setup is the vertical lens arrangement of the rear red bit.
Issue is maybe a strong word - but they truly do act as vertical lenses.

Some form of diffuser would be interesting - maybe just on one or two? , though that may kill some intensity. Thinking

Anybody got any ideas for making the inner surface of the lens less transparent (sort of like frosted glass) ??

LEDS now mounted on heatsink with thermal paste - Earths commoned & soldered solid.

Next step - do some "compared to OEM" shots. Garage is too ruddy cold today. I'm a wimp - bite me!.
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Email me your address, Amigo.
I'm sending you a **** incident meter
From the videos, the lights look awesome!