For Mr 1olbull, sir.

What is all this research costing you? I'd like to pitch in . . .
The main cost is time and grey matter. And none of this will go wasted.

This gives an idea of how the lens will be filled- (sorry it's a bit fuzzy)

Time to sit the light unit in a pan of boiling water. Well next week when I have "free" access to the kitchen
Looking kewl!
Can hardly wait formy new tail!

Me Officer? - never!.

Just ordered some small brass screw thingies - Will allow me to use a common earth - be tidier and more robust.

Mrs B has just offered up the use of her veggie steamer to warm up the lens assembly, once she has finished doing the veggies and washed it. That had not occurred to me.

ABS does not care for extreme temps. Boiling water is about as far as ABS (the chromed bit) likes.
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So whilst making a bit of luncheon: dug out Mrs B's veggie steamer.

Bring to the boil and let simmer for 5 minutes and

Time for a bit of machining.

What is NOTABLE, is how non-reflective the "reflector" is. I am not at all surprised btw.

Yon can also see the refraction effect built into the rear lens. This reflector/refractors faceting and lensing is a hurdle.
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Lookin' bueno, Amigo!
Did that bulb melt?
So, now you must develop a new reflector?
When you finish this - it will sell and I will push it mucho!
Did that bulb melt?
So, now you must develop a new reflector?
When you finish this - it will sell and I will push it mucho!
The new system will not use a reflector.
I have no idea if the original bulb melted - It came off Frank's Classic after he chopped the tail off.

But it simply looks like cheap minimalist "mirroring".
Traditional "Nobody will ever see - so why bother" stuff.

Mate - I am not going to make these to sell. Life is too short.

R&D is fun. No time constraints and no commitment.
Production is not. I took a decision many years ago to get out of sales.
There's always some "clever" bugger who's incapable of doing anything themselves, except they happen to be an expert in whatever it is they've bought.
We've only met once and you already know me too well