For Mr 1olbull, sir.

Sorry Amigo,
I have used several apps regarding motion and liight.
None I have seen compare regarding reasonable accuracy.
Give me a link and I shall check it out.
How many pianos have your tuned with your cellphone?
I don't really have much use for a light meter, but "Lux Light Meter" seems to have the best reviews. Even if it is not dead-on accurate, if it is consistent and accurate within itself then it can be used for a comparison tool.

I tune all of them with an (expensive) app called TuneLab, usually on a 'Droid notepad, but my phone is a back-up. It is easier, quicker, more consistent, and more accurate, than doing it entirely by ear. Aural tests are always the final check, but it is very rarely that any adjustments need to be made. My clients include Steinway concert artists, recording studios, opera singers, concert halls, as well as many other very talented individuals. They are all very happy with the results. Modern technology has come a long way since tuning forks.
Hard to convince the old timers Ian but that being said when I was a deep seam coalminer back in Scotland we had all the fancy gas testing gear but your very best friend was always the wee canary.

I would have you tune our Baldwin studio if you ever are back in the northwest.
We then could have a little jazz jam.
Of course I would invite Mike the Navigator, Rob the Claviger, and any others in the area to join in.
I would have you tune our Baldwin studio if you ever are back in the northwest.
We then could have a little jazz jam.
Of course I would invite Mike the Navigator, Rob the Claviger, and any others in the area to join in.
I will try to get it on the calendar. I am looking for an excuse to go to the northwest again.
So how fast does that tuned fork go?
440 cycles per second, at the correct temperature - faster at higher temps and slower at lower temps. My cellphone, however, is accurate to less than one cycle in 12 hours!!! The software allows me to regulate it to an atomic clock. I usually find that close enough.
440 - Hmmmm - Or rather hmmmmmmmm! - I wonder if Altitude affects forks too - Not to mention their handles

I will try to get it on the calendar. I am looking for an excuse to go to the northwest again.

I trip a lot and would hate to miss you being in my neighboorhood a second time!
If ya make it out here, please let me know when ASAP so I can set my calendar.