foot peg swap with roadster

Can't quite work out which you have and which you want but there's a guy on here who has a Roadster and he was after Std/Classic pegs. Name is Gary1945.
I told him I'd give him Gary's email to contact him about his parts after he installs mine. I went ahead and sold him the standard peg set.
I told him I'd give him Gary's email to contact him about his parts after he installs mine. I went ahead and sold him the standard peg set.

So that's why Gary didn't buy mine! It's a shame he just wasn't a man about it and could tell me the truth, instead he gave me a sob story about having no money to buy anything right now due to "unforseen circimstances beyond my control" even though we had an agreement. I kind of figured he was BS-ing me about being so hard up for cash even though he just bought a $13,000 bike but I didn't expect this.

If you buy anything from him don't let him feed you some guilt trip about being hard-up for cash and convince you to pay more than you should!
anyone willing to swap roadster foot pegs with a classic?
If you are after the Classic foot board set up then do as I just did I ordered the kit, about $360(NorthCountyYamaha, SoCal) and it includes mounting rails, boards, brakeline- basicly everything except the brake master cylinder which you reuse in my case (I have std), not sure about a roadster you would have to make sure the roadster mastercylinder uses the same mounting holes (in other words is compatable as you have ABS)
I haven't seen the money order yet, but he kept after me apologizing and agreed to my price. If there's a check waiting when I get back from Ocean City I'll mail the parts, if not they go back up for sale. we'll see.

The whole new bike, broken car, hard up for cash thing does sound bizarre doesn't it.

He didn't tell me about the car just that he is retired and making less than poverty level plus when someone tells me they have been screwed over on Paypal and will not use it that throws up a flag with me as well.

If he is so hard up for cash why didn't he just buy a nice used one that has the set-up he prefers for less money?
By the way HellFire, not sure how long ago you agreed on the sale to Gary but I noticed on the .com site when I was "just visiting" a couple of days ago (10 Sept) that he was still looking. See "Big Hello from Tallahassee".
That's funny, he agreed to buy mine last Thursday after going back and forth with me for a few days on the price and said he would be sending me a money order today, I had responded tohis post on the RAT site. This guy really gets around!