Fond farewell

Dealer in Killeen made me a good offer on a 2012 leftover third for my 2010 r3t. You folks are awesome so I'm probaby not leaving the forum. But I no longer own a rocket. The warranty and better manuverability pretty much sealed the deal.
Whatever your riding brother stay safe and keep her upright
Hey... Nice Bike. Andy, one of our Houston riders has a RIII and a Thunderbird. It is beautiful, the pain job is excellent, the bike is very well appointed and capable and it has a nice twin cylinder sound. I had a hard time keeping up with him the other day and, he was riding two up. Morris's daughter has an America and I could not keep up with her in Leakey.
If uncle Sam had not decided I needed to play in the woods I would have tried to go to leakey
Dealer in Killeen made me a good offer on a 2012 leftover third for my 2010 r3t. You folks are awesome so I'm probaby not leaving the forum. But I no longer own a rocket. The warranty and better manuverability pretty much sealed the deal.
I wish I'd known you wanted a TBird. I would have gladly traded my 2013 TBird for a R3 Tourer . I got the Rocket about five months after I got the TBird. Ever since, I've had to make myself ride The bird. The bird is just as heavy as the R3. The lowet center of gravity/seat height, possibly rake and tire size make it n feel lighter. Only difference I notice is when sitting on the seat and trying to backup on uneven surfaces or uphill. I hope you love your TBird. Personally a TBird could never replace a Rocket 3. If anyone else what's to trade a Rocket 3 for a TBird.. hit me up.
I believe the roads you ride make the difference since I traded my storm on an 06 R3 because I live in cornfield usa but even with the r3's better ground clearance a tbird would lose it in the tight stuff. buy 1 for the engine the other for the superb handling. Enjoy the new bike and if you find yourself missing the R3 after a bit look up Doug and talk it out.