Foam Canon - Cleaning up the Rocket


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
I'd heard about these foam canons and thought I'd get one for washing the RV. Works great on the Roadster too! They're about $20 and attach to your pressure washer- no, the force coming out isn't that strong, at least on my cheap-o washer, safe to use everywhere. It helps getting soap into those harder to reach places and sits there for a while. Same scientifically proven principal that says you should leave the dishes soaking overnight :thumbsup:

You still have to put your elbow into it with a cloth if you haven't washed in a while, but I think it does a pretty good job of making the job a little easier.

I use a foam gun with my 4-wheeled GF's and am very happy with it; but my R3T gets the hand-wipe treatment. For the same reason I don't power wash engines. It would be my luck water and soap would get somewhere I didn't expect it to and cause problems. I'm probably overly cautious... but I can live with that. Have fun taking care of you baby! :thumbsup::cool:
Soak cycle looks like it's working..... now we wait 24 hours to see the rinse cycle?
Oh please rinse it off and never do that to her again, oh the pain of it, only a beast would do that to that thing of beauty.
I use a foam gun with my 4-wheeled GF's and am very happy with it; but my R3T gets the hand-wipe treatment. For the same reason I don't power wash engines. It would be my luck water and soap would get somewhere I didn't expect it to and cause problems. I'm probably overly cautious... but I can live with that. Have fun taking care of you baby! :thumbsup::cool:
Yes hand wipe= gentlemen