Fly screen solid or see through?

I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on having a solid fly screen, or one you can see through. I didn't know if they were even possible to get down below and look through. Any advice would help. Thx!
Personally, I would go with the solid flyscreen with the white stripes (if you can find one). I have one with the red stripes which constantly gets complimented on, looks very nice! Forklift has the red striped one shown on this site. You can view the white striped one on the utube video titled "Ducati Diavel vs. Triumph Rocket 3". The flyscreen is too low to view through (unless you lay your head on the tank) and the solid screen hides most of the nice chromed speedometer/tachometer. I had a hard time deciding which one to use as I liked the look of the chromed instruments when viewed from the front, but decided to go solid/striped after viewing forklift's picture. Glad I did, love the custom look. You might have to go through the Triumph USA guys and have one ordered as I see they are no longer offered here in the states.
It sounds like the solid is the way to go. I have a paint department, and was going to make it Matt black with the white stripes to match the rest of the bike! I have already blacked most everything out already, why not the screen too!

Thanks, Amigo.
Perhaps using my 2012 year was the issue or just my feeble brain . . .

I unpacked and fitted the black gloss fly screen today and put the clear sports one away in the packaging. They are identical in size and shape but use different screen bolts and have different sized mounting holes and ferrule plugs to the clear version which are larger with extra rubber/soft foam damping. The brackets to mount to the fork mounts are identical.

What I thought was just a packing form for the black screen turned out to be an unpainted fiberglass Kuryakyn 'Zombie' molded figure fly screen with the four mounting holes. Not my taste at all so you may see it on offer shortly.
Solid ..... who want's a windshield want to be by using the clear one.... I mean come on you don't even sit low enough to see through the stupid thing.
@mully95 , If you ever run fast on the bike (like 0 mph the second time around) your chin will be down close to the gas cap or you will be torn off the bike. I also recommend learning to place your arms in line with the handle bars so they do not get pulled from the grips. This is the difference I found between the two screens. I myself prefer the clear one but then I have been known to run a wee bit on the fast side when I can.
Why not get a clear one and cover in plastidip? Just peels off if you don't like it. Better still, don't get a screen at all (but that's me).