Fly screen or windshield

I'm 5'11" and the flyscreen is just enough to keep more wind off of my helmet. I commute over 60 miles per day on the highway, and don't have issues with buffeting with just the flyscreen.
Plus, it looks better than a windshield!
Welcome from Christchurch New Zealand TinTin....i have a flyscreen and it does keep some wind off your chest...i prefer the look of it to a windshield, but then i like the bare bike look compared to tourer so it comes down to personal choices really.

I just installed the Triumph Windshield. At about your height I needed to mount it as high as possible on the mounting brackets. That leaves a 2" - 3" gap at he headlights.
Needed to reverse the lowest screws / nuts on the windshield to get the screen high enough to work for me.

Clear sports screen which has the sa.e shape as the fly screen but you can see thru it when tucked at warp speed. Otherwise i tend to use the summer screen until cooler weather sets in.
Flyscreen hands down. I had the stock windshield at 19" and the Clearview 21" with re-curve and they both sucked, a real head shaking experience. Wind up your nose, shirt flying up in the air. I added lowers (2 sets) and fiddled around for months to no avail. I sold everything and put on a flyscreen and never looked back. The flyscreen takes the blast off your chest and neck, but you still feel wind in your face. But most importantly no buffeting. I'll take a steady wind in the face over buffeting any day. And as far as looks, there has never been a windshield that looked good.
I get none of that with my 16 inch Windvest.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll start with the fly screen and work up if needed.

Anyone got one that needs a bike??
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll start with the fly screen and work up if needed.

Anyone got one that needs a bike??
I’m 6’6” and went the custom$230...used the fly screen mount which was already on the bike when I bought it.
Although the screen is lower than the top of my healmet, due to the shape, I don’t feel any buffeting, unless I’m behind a big vehicle.