Fly screen issues


.020 Over
Jan 5, 2017
Saint Cloud Florida
2014 Rocket 3 Roadster
I just installed a fly screen on my roadster. I'm noticing the screen is grinding the clutch cable. Anyone had same issue, and how it got fixed!? Any help would be appreciated.
You can get screen trim lot of the sports bike lads use it. I used a small bit just where the cable rubs, but now have a hydraulic clutch so not an issue now
I just installed a fly screen on my roadster. I'm noticing the screen is grinding the clutch cable. Anyone had same issue, and how it got fixed!? Any help would be appreciated.
U can slice a short length of clear gas line and slip it over the screen
I used a short piece of insulating foam, like the type used on water pipes, worked good
Or file away a small place on the screen to accommodate the cable? Mine rubs too, but I don't have the bikini screen on enough to warrant doing anything about it. Mostly I ride naked or with the big screen when weather cools or I'm making a big trip with lots of interstate time.
Was there not a little wire bracket included in your kit to locate the clutch cable?