
I had 2 in my trailer when I went in the water almost 2 years ago. They sat almost 3 hours before the tow truck came. I changed the oil 5 times in each before it wasn't turning milky anymore. Change rear end oil twice, and greased the splines. Haven't had any problems from the water.
that is a lot of water
a cylinder may be full of water and something may break when trying to start. might pull a plug in each cyl before turning it over
u need a guy that has experience with water.
i would pull the sump pan and maybe clean oil tank then put some oil in the tank then turn over eng to let oil wash out the eng. before installing sump pan.
Just got back from the local Triumph dealer where I get it serviced...they are thinking it is totaled.

r u trying to get it fixed with insurance?
if so the ins will low ball the price and try to get u to settle.
this might be a long term problem for example water might have seeped into the ecu or into other connections giving electric probs later.
dont forget that rear brake fluid.
i am thinking that a triumph dealer would charge so much that it would be totaled.
may have to think about a reg mc shop or do it yourself with help from the forum.
how many miles is on it?
Oh bugger, looks toast! Water in all those electrics under side covers & seat would need replacing