Floating disc play

another solution if you have money to spare(plenty of it) get a R3 berhinger full set with 4 or 6 pistons and cast iron discs!!! the best and lightest there ever was..
Bolts might be keeping Ray's head in place but they didn't stop him loosing his mind. Poor sod.

Well thanks for the input (and the diversion ). Given that the left side seems to have more play and clunking than the right I reckon the best thing is to replace them. Would love to have the readies for the Berhinger full set but going with stock. Have managed to bash up TC and force him to do me a good price. He's a ***n tough negotiator though; he forced the bloody price down $100, the bastard.

Once I get mine off I'll see if I can work out what the issue is and whether there's a fix. Might be handy to know.