Thanks for your replies, folks, but I think the thread got a little side-tracked. My question is about how to get the bead back on the rim if it's seal is broken. I've already ordered a very good compressor and patching kit but that's not the issue I'm concerned with. As I mentioned, I know that some use a ratchet strap (and I see cusso ken is prepared with such a strap). I'm not a member of AAA and, being a very self-reliant person, by nature, I won't be. Also, I don't want my bike being loaded up and hauled by AAA or anyone else unless absolutely necessary and I will be in very remote places. So my question is specifically about how to deal with a broken seal of the bead and the rim.
There is a show on TV available for streaming on Amazon or Netflix (I can't remember the name off-hand) where they demonstrate various tricks to solve problems. In one episode, the problem was how to seal the bead to the rim on a car tire - the subject of my original question. The solutions were the ratchet strap and and a quick shot of starting fluid. The starting fluid method worked beautifully. It worked like this: A quick shot of starting fluid is shot into the tire. By quick, I mean just a quick squirt for a fraction of a second. Then a match or lighter was held at the bead of the tire and the starting fluid explodes and the tire is instantly popped onto the rim creating a seal. I'm betting you can see this technique demonstrated on YouTube if you search. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone has any other methods for solving this problem as I rather not pack a can of starting fluid. If not, I may just carry a can of starting fluid and a lighter on long trips. Believe it or not, it really works. If anyone has any more suggestions besides calling AA, etc., I'd like to hear them.