First ride since knee replacement surgery

My knees were a disaster from childhood but I got some work done on them when I was about 54 and I might never need to do anything else to them.....hope hope hope.

Thank you Dog & Navigator for your inside. Right now I can deal with the bike well. I'm scared to loose that. Once on Medicare Ill seek out opinions. Seems like the Stem Cell injections therapy might have reached predictable results. I might try that before risking a year off the bike.
@Navigator Mike,
Great news! I have not got out yet too cold for me and work are my excuses. Today is awesome - no excuses other than Kong is still filthy from my return last month from AZ.

Thank you and I look forward to full recovery, whenever the heck that might be. Weakness is what I fear so am doing my best to strengthen the old stilts. I paid for my Friday ride Saturday and was miserable. Being an idiot and glutton for punishment I rode again today. I'm thinking an Oxy in the morning might be a good ideo.

Steve, if I'd been riding in AZ I wouldn't ride in these temps either but I just had to get out.

And on the 1200C guys. Of all the things I said I still love riding the thing. I'm actually glad I didn't know about it's oddities because I wouldn't have it right now. If one can pick up a low mileage one at a good price. I'd have to say go for it. I came to that conclusion today while I was going into the twisties. I have to say it is an elegant design and unique among bikes.

Oh and in the interest in full disclosure, the tank has to be removed to get at the battery. Removed, not lifted like my 1150GS. It's really not a big deal though, taking about 20 minutes with quick disconnect fuel lines. It's a head turner though and, like with my Rocket, whenever I pull in for fuel or a stop, folks come up to me to look at it. And one more, among the more arrogant, snot ball Beemerphiles, it is not considered a REAL BMW. Must be the chrome. I just recommend that they go find a rope somewhere in which they can urinate upwards.
Looking good Mike! Glad you are on the mend.

I just had my first knee replacement consult last week, probably have surgery in early October. Have to do a little more skiing this weekend, and a full summer of riding.

Got the C out for my first ride in March yesterday to work. Retirement can't come soon enough!
Jas any of you folks with joint problems tried Stem Cell injection therapy?

It is considered experimental now I believe..Two of my wife's friends had it done, with one paying about $100k and the other was paid for by private insurance..