First ride on the rocket today.

Nov 2, 2018
New York
2018 Rocket three roadster
I got to take about a 15 mile ride today on the Rocket. I knew what to expect before getting on it but until you actually experience it ... thats another thing. I couldn't wait to ride this torque monster. just blip the throttle and off you go .. Torque ready and willing at the twist of your wrist. Love the balance of this fine machine. just rolled on her a few times not revving past 4000 rpm Triumph hit the Rocket name spot on. lol can not wait till the spring to log lots of miles miles on her. plus pipe ram air and tune are in the near future.. Keep on Keepin on.
around march or so . im not a big cold weather rider. but will get as much time on her as i can .

Get a heated jacket liner and gloves and Windjammer for your helmet and then snow and ice will be the only reason to feel the need to get back in the car. You have to experience it to appreciate it, but sailing down the road in 30 degree weather while feeling toasty is one of life's simple pleasures.

I use this under my jacket - First gear heated liner

Welcome to the asylum :thumbsup:
I just went outside to the storage shed, took the cover off the old girl and fired her up. Wanted to listen to that familiar sound. Withdrawal symptoms are rampant. No way of riding her with no bare pavement showing. Really really really looking forward to Summer.

Congrats on the new ride Capitano. Welcome to the site. Have fun.....
Sometimes just one is not enough - I’m back up to 4.