First RAA RichwoodPhoto

You said I should grow one. Oh and the roads here are phenomenal definetly could do another one here. Good thing its only 5.5 hours from my Norfok work base !

Tis a tad farther for me, Amigo.
Would enjoy ripping up some pavement with ya sometime. Come west, young man!
Perhaps meet and ride the Sturgis area NOT during the rally.
I wish I could have made it too. Work just hasn't been steady the last couple of years.

I now feel that I can say, "I feel your pain" regarding work.
Since the Chinese Plague hit my work has slammed shut tighter than a bull's ass at fly time!
No jobs or money coming in for three months now. Just this week a couple cases have dribbled in, so hopefully, things shall begin a return to normal.
Long as the courtrooms are not operating, work sux for me. Thank God for my pension!
The off and on of your profession, especially the past several years, would be worse and drive me even more nuts.
@warp9.9 doing his thing, he and Barhma have become close. The stepper motor has gone and is now disconnected. Throttle cables were too tight and now loose.

The Outlaw's pup Bonnie.

The group pictures are for the Mayor and her husband who makes motorcycle vacation trip maps.

Pretty Pillionlooking out over the valley