First gear problems. Triumph R111 Touring (2010) 17000miles.


.040 Over
Mar 21, 2018
London UK
(2010) R3T Grinnall Trike
First gear problems. Triumph R111 Touring (2010)
Having a problem dropping down into first, will not shift down past second when riding without a bit of 'jiggery pokery'. Will drop straight into first from start up (Neutral) and shift up and down through the box as normal except for 'first' when on the move. Never jumps out of gear and the Gear Position Shaft/ Gear Actuator appears normal with no excess free movement. What ya all reckon as to the fix/problem guys. Thanx 4 your time.
Had a similar problem with my 05. Turned out to be the gearchange return spring had lost its shape (poor heat treatment). A new one fixed it. Hope this helps.
Can I get to this return spring through the front or will it be an engine out job.
Can I get to this return spring through the front or will it be an engine out job.

U need to check it out b4 you work on it.
I would venture to say if u have to lift up on the lever then push down it goes into 1st then it might be the spring
U replace from the front
Check free play in your clutch cable. Rockets are very finicky about it. My guess with that milage it's due for a check.
Check free play in your clutch cable. Rockets are very finicky about it. My guess with that milage it's due for a check.
Right on! 'Zero freeplay'. As you say 'finicky' took a lot of fiddling, but OK now.
Like said
No free play bad
Need 2mm