1. A person of Polish descent, who is by heredity a ignoramus and fool being dumb and stupid.
2. A term used between Poles when talking about the incompetence of a person of their same kin. Usually considered offensive if a non-Pole says it to a Pole. (like "nigger" among Blacks)
Etymology - "Polack," from the Polish word "Polak," meaning male Pole, "Polka" is a female Pole.
Ya I also thought about a custom Plate WARP 9 , but after thinking a while I figure a random plate would not be as noticeable and harder to remember kind of like spelling my last name
I tried to buy this plate twenty years ago.
Both got rejected, did see this plate on a truck last year 4CANAL. Just depends on the spacing I think.
Do have this on the wifes car