Finding Neutral

It's pretty much been covered here. I agree that it's easier to find it if your bike is moving slightly and the clutch cable being adjusted just right solves the problem. Any drag on the clutch will make it hard to get it into neutral. It takes a light toe to get it just right. I usually don't have a problem with it. It just takes a bit of getting use to finding it.
I had that issue till the first oil change, afterwards, no issues really.
This might be good place for someone to add a link for THE procedure to properly adjust the clutch cable ?
This might be good place for someone to add a link for THE procedure to properly adjust the clutch cable ?

It's good on paper and it looks correct according to Truimph, but I've found that sometimes that 1/4 to 1/2 turn tweak makes all the difference in clutch drag and finding neutral.

Have you noticed all of the freeplay goes out of the clutch when cruising down the road from about 35 mph and up? Absolutely tight..gone!
This might be good place for someone to add a link for THE procedure to properly adjust the clutch cable ?
from the manual.

This adjustment is done with the engine off

Adjustment is important as to much free plate will result in the clutch not fully disengaging. not enough will wear the lifter shaft and lifter piece as well as possibly wearing clutch fibers do to slippage. (extreme)
Mine is temperamental so I treat it gently. I see some people slam their gear boxes with their boots. Not my Rocket. I try each way while downshifting find neutral or from 1st find neutral, while playing with the clutch. She will take the gear when she wants it. If the bike is turned off, it is easy to find rolling the bike back and forth just a little. My R3 has 30K miles.
Yes, especially cold, neutral can be elusive. I had to tighten the clutch cable recently and it helped, but it is still troublesome at times.

Seems to be a "feature" of the beast
i had a hard time finding neutral but i then i remembered i put it in the saddle bag
ok i will remain neutral