Thanks. I now see the photos but just how hard would it have been to do a couple pages with step by step and photos . The photos also only show the wiring and hole spacing but nothing on the removal of the stock ( I have to use the Corbin site for their relocation kit to know how to do it)! Plus it doesn’t say that you need shorter bolts when you remove the oem mud guard op or doe it should that you need a motorcycle license plate plate for behind the tag. I ordered off Amazon ( as you can’t repurpose the oem) . Just seems that a video instruction or a sheet of paper would go a long way to customer service
Tal. Can you or someone assist on the wiring? I spoke to Lamonster and zero help. Literally. But their replacement indicators have three wires , yellow red and black. The oem connector has just pairs ( green and black.) . Obviously black to black. But for the Lamonster indicators how did everyone wire them? Do you use the red or the yellow or join them together or ? Any help would be really appreciated
Pal. Can you assist with the wiring ? I saw the new indicators have three wires? Yellow red and ground . The oem connector if just green and ground, do you recall the wiring you did? Did you pair the yellow and red together or use one vs the other ? I tried Lamonster and they offered no help. Told me it had been two years and for me to figure it out
Tal. Can you or someone assist on the wiring? I spoke to Lamonster and zero help. Literally. But their replacement indicators have three wires , yellow red and black. The oem connector has just pairs ( green and black.) . Obviously black to black. But for the Lamonster indicators how did everyone wire them? Do you use the red or the yellow or join them together or ? Any help would be really appreciated
I cant recall now as it was over a year ago and on my previous GT...We ran the cable up the left side and thru a gap into the space under the rear fender area. Of course you will have to remove that plastic cover under there.
(You will see i say to remove the small 8mm bolts at the start under the bike...they dont hold anything but they do allow the plastic tray to slide forward when removing it and also its easier to get the tray back in when those bolt heads arnt there.)
Be careful not to bunch the wires up under there or you will make it difficult to get that plastic guard back in.
I think its a point of writing on a card what wire does what b4 you dismantle things. My left indicator didnt work initially but once we had gone and had some lunch and calmed down worked!
Just go slowly and check everything you do twice b4 cutting or soldering wires...two heads working together helps as long as its not your missus!
Good luck...
This is taking a long time to get right but I'm happy now. I'm working with the admin here to become a sponsor and as soon as he turns on that feature again we be able to promote and support this board.
Here's a sneak peak of what's to come.
I installed this relocator on my 2020 GT and it does help keep pebbles etc. from coming back to the rider. Also found that there is soooo much light coming from
the tail light, i didnt need to install the license plate lights at all.