Final dyno results unrestricted maps

All tables in the maps for for R GT and TFC are the same. The only difference are the ETV-tables and the rev limiter.
Very sorry. It's difficult to make you understood my question. I know tables in unrestricted R/GT maps are the same as unrestricted TFC's map.
Your first chart is not map, but power chart. That means you measured power of R/GT.
Perhaps you did as follows?
Opened OEM R or GT map.
Copied values in the OEM R/GT tables.
Opened OEM TFC map then tables.
Pasted the copied values above into TFC tables.
Saved the map, then got OEM R/GT map which works on R3 TFC bike.
Loaded the map into R3 TFC bike.
You measured power of the R3 TFC bike.
You got green chart/graph.
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I opened OEM R-map
Copied the ETV tables
Closed OEM R-map
Opened OEM TFC-map
Pasted the OEM R ETV-tables in the OEM TFC tables.
Loaded this into the TFC-ECU
Made a dyno run.

This is deepL version

OEM R-mapを開いてみた


クローズドOEM Rマップ

OEM TFCマップをオープン

OEMのR ETVテーブルをOEMのTFCテーブルに貼り付けました。



Penny thank you so much. I've understood at last.

Please answer following question next, when you can answer.

How do you feel riding your TFC after loading the unrestricted map?
Don't you feel anything wrong?
Values in unrestricted ETV tables are the same as OEM up to around 50% throttle grip position.
Probably you feel no change up to 50% throttle grip position. Or do you feel some change?
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As I have also made changes to F and I tables, there is a difference below 50% throttle opening. A little smoother running motor.
As I have also made changes to F and I tables, there is a difference below 50% throttle opening. A little smoother running motor.
That's good information.
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How does this tune interact with the rider selectable maps (street, sport, rain)? Does it reprogram all 3 or just one? Do you still have the 3 maps still available via the handlebar controls?
How does this tune interact with the rider selectable maps (street, sport, rain)? Does it reprogram all 3 or just one? Do you still have the 3 maps still available via the handlebar controls?
Still three modes. I did not touch Rain. Street and Sport are unrestricted now, but Sport still with more progression.