Big Bull

.020 Over
Jun 11, 2009
Overland Park, Kansas
Hello, My name is Randy I live in overland Park, Ks. I ride a 06' Honda Goldwing. My son-in-law just bought an 08' Rocket III Clasic. He traded his M109 in on it and really loves riding. The problem is he works out of town a lot so I have to install all the little goodies he comes up with. I know it's a rough job but someone has to do it. You know, you install a back rest then you have to take a test ride it to make sure everything is ok, then you put on a tank bib and take another test ride, it seems to never end sometimes. So I'll be in and out looking for install tips from time to time.
I've already gleaned the Stebel Horn install worked real good.

Thanks in advance for all the help,

Hey, welcome Randy to this fab forum. We collectively have more answers here than you (or your son-in-law) will ever have questions;)

Yeah, welcome to the site, I also had a Dark Red 06 NAV/Gold Wing, traded in on a 2008 Mustang/California Special but kept the Rocket. Great bike, take it easy on the test rides.


15 dtg Dubai
Welcome, OP was a great place to live, (lived off Metcalf for a number of years) but the taxes were a killer! Nicest roads in the country because of it. Enjoy the site, you might go broke (like I'm trying to do) by picking up on all the tips-N-stuff you find here but it's a fun ride. The sky's (and an empty wallet) the limit with what you can find here to raise the performance bar on a Rocket.