Lets make it easy for everyone to understand
Anyone can go fast in a straight line --not much skill required, now when you have to negotiate curves , corners, turns etc a little more brain work is required and unfortunatly quite a few bikers are lacking in that department.
Lets make it easy for everyone to understand
Anyone can go fast in a straight line --not much skill required, now when you have to negotiate curves , corners, turns etc a little more brain work is required and unfortunatly quite a few bikers are lacking in that department.
Said by a man who has never seen zero the second time around I bet thats what Bill Warner thought when he pulled a wheelie at 265mph at the texas mile. Probably thought it wasn't going to hurt because he slowed down to 235 before he put the bike down.
Lets make it easy for everyone to understand
Anyone can go fast in a straight line --not much skill required, now when you have to negotiate curves , corners, turns etc a little more brain work is required and unfortunatly quite a few bikers are lacking in that department.
Not sure what happened there, but I think it has to do with inertia and velocity like @1olbull was saying. I'm probably misquoting him (going by memory) as I failed physics.
I negotiate drunks and druggies every morning. Usually get off work around around 2:00 AM. Ride 57 miles one way. They are easy to spot. Brights on and going way under the speed limit for the drunks. Druggies brights and high speed. They all try to follow the lines but screw it up when the road curves the other way. They all brake when coming up to a bridge, and then speed up. Dead give away.
Not sure what happened there, but I think it has to do with inertia and velocity like @1olbull was saying. I'm probably misquoting him (going by memory) as I failed physics.
Most likely inexperienced riders. Also note the lack of pavement beyond the fog line.
Not much room for error if riding too close to the fog line and being inattentive.
The second guy rode off while looking at the rider behind.
Once leaned into a curve you have established a turn radius which will continue if you do not adjust or pay attention.
Not too sure how the first guy went off the road but good old target fixation was the cause for the second rider you can clearly see him looking back at subject#1 before his bike follows his buddy as the old saying goes the bike will go where you are looking.
Seen this more times than I care to remember and listen guys it is easy for it to happen all it takes is one moment of lost concentration and wham
One other point, no one in that group of riders had/have any accident management scene training, no one positioned to warn oncoming traffic etc etc just so much to learn from this video