Spaz what is that rear you run? Do you shave them tires to be allowed to go for the 200 mark? Are you running mr12 or u4.4? Just so cool what youve done im like a kid wanting to know whats that do, how bout this, hows that work,
. But ill stick with just the above questions for now
but really i wont be able to concentrate on anything else unti i know those 3 things
love it just absolutely love it. The kid at our event on a zx10 that went 200 finally, his emotions were felt and cheered with all us as he came to get his 200mph shirt
i was so happy for him and at the same time i was thinking i cant wait to get there, and learned from many other racers that weekend that the 200mph is the goal of many that haven’t made it yet after a long time trying, i just started but the fire you and justdad have lit in me is something im not letting go of, my dream of seeing when things change, when all things start to want to fly, that 200mph club. Or bust! No Airbags we die like real men