Fan always on and Check engine light on

Benjamin Trakic

Standard Bore
Feb 5, 2023
Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster ABS
I bought a 2011 R3R two months ago and decided to do some maintenance. Change of oil, oil filter, air filter, spark plugs and of course valve cover gasket. When I finished everything, a new problem appeared. The check engine light and the temperature light are on. The fan comes on as soon as I start the engine. I've checked the relays and connections and everything looks fine. Is it possible that this is happening because of some error in the ECU?
do you have the tuneecu with lontec cable?
is the check engine light and temp lite on when running?
it is possible that the fan relay is is bad and will stay on. relay points welded together.
possible to use other relay to check 5 blade relays can replace 4 blade relays.
it may be that you have bad wires or bad temp sensor causing fan to come on as soon as you turn on ignition.
I ordered a Lonelec cable and bought the TuneECU app for android. Everything was fine with the motorcycle and there were no problems. The relay has been checked, the electrical installation has been checked, the temperature sensor has been checked... There is no mechanical failure whatsoever. The fan starts as soon as I start the engine, when I turn on the ignition the fan does not work.
problem one found wires cut/broken
problem two where is the other end? if you want to mickey mouse it i can give you a resister ohms amount to substituit
purpose to make sure that those are going to the tempurture sensor and to see if the fan turns off.
The other part remained in the plig under the tank. This part seen in the photo leads to the water temperature sensor in the engine block. I soldered the wires back and everything works as it should. I ordered a new sensor with wires and a plug, but since I live in the Balkans where you can find two or three ROCKET III (if that many), I wait about a month or more for all the parts I order online...