Extreme Pillion Seat modifications


Standard Bore
Mar 31, 2008
Hilliard, Ohio
Lets just put it bluntly, my wife and I are both very big people. Most everyone would say obese. The stock pillion is short enough that is pushes her too hard up against me and puts her in some pain. I'm going to try to modify the backrest so that it sits back further, but the pillion itself slopes down in back and I was wondering if someone can modify a pillion with a longer tail. Would that require a custom seat pan? What else can be done?
mitchcpc has the perfect seat for you...
I have the Triumph pillion gel seat. A bit larger than the stock that came with the bike and it doesn't slope downward at the back. The wife likes it... though (not being mean or insulting here) she's not that large so I don't know how it would work out for you.

The Russell daylong I got from Big gun has huge rider & pillion pads
It's great.

Must update my pics
Go Custom

I'd say go custom. Rich's in Kingston (or any other good custom seat shop) could make you a custom double seat by modifying your original driver seat pan. Probably cost 1K or so, but well worth it. My custom big butt seat was the best investment I ever made. As you can see it go further back on the rear fender and is much wider, my stock pan was modified slightly.
I went around work and found one I thought would do the trick.
Came home and ordered one off ebay for $14 bucks I think it was.
Cut the new seat mountings off, and cut my mounting bracket off the stock pileon,
pop riveted them together and now my daughter can ride for hrs. with no complaints.
I got a suzuki boulavard wide body.
Heres the difference.

Oh, your way down that list Billy. Well second.... :lol: