Extra parts after Engine Rebuild - Are these important?

Who is more superduper smarter - Tritech#1 or God?

  • Tritech#1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tritech#1 is God

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Juggs pointed out that the second dude is an impostor ... but the first dude hasn't come back to blast us again after his "there sure are a lot of whiny rocket owners on this site" or something to that effect.

I am not as IT minded as Juggs so I will defer, but is it not possible to have the same person, with just different email address? or Juggs can you see the IP addresses?
Messenger from loser with similar name

The following is a private message I received from one of you Triumph owners with too much time on his hands? You guys have as many problems as your poorly engineered bikes.

Hey there. You are getting quite the reputation on the forum! I took the liberty of submitting a few posts in your name. Some of them are quite funny. You should check them out.

Folks are really starting to question whether you have all your marbles.

Let me know if you require the links to the various threads or if you can find them.

I really appreciate you giving me the inspiration though with your posts. Its been great fun!


I was following it, but it has since lost me. Just when I thought it was making sense and was funny, the #1 showed up instead of the #I.
I need some help to understand? Which is which? Whats next,
Tritech#! ?
That's the real "tritech" above. You can see from his post count. Its only at 4x posts and its missing the picture of the fat dude on the bike (which the fake Tritech must have secretly snapped of the real TriTech when he wasn't looking).

Got it?

Anyway, it looks like the Real Tritech finally got his Private Message from the fake TriTech goading him into action and the real TriTech predictably didn't look too kindly upon it. He even spouted off in his usual fashion, although this time, he didn't just disparage us as Rocket owners, but also Triumph motorcycles themselves, which is quite surprising given that he puts himself out as a Triumph tech.

You guys have as many problems as your poorly engineered bikes.

I'd sure like to meet this guy. It would be interesting to have a conversation with somebody that's actually this self absorbed.
Re: Messenger from loser with similar name

Afer reading all of his 4 posts, it dawned on me that he is just a small TROLL. Like a HardleyDavidson tech who got pissed off and quit, and then got a temporary job at a Triumph dealership! I honestly wasn't offended by much he said because in part I understand the pressure some mechanics must go through day after day after day of hearing the same old crap over and over. There are some people that just believe that if they hear a noise they don't like, it should be removed via warrantee somehow! I wonder how many times service techs have heard this one: "That Scratch Wasn't There When I Brought It In, and Now You OWE me a New Paint Job!"

Anywho, he is what he is, I just hoped he would help us help ourselves with our little beasts.