
That is a **** fine looking can, I must say It naw ranks above the Rinehart as my fave R3 can.... now about that Super Duke exhaust you said you were developing in your "spare time" LOL

Ah yes ! Spare time, tell me again where one purchase's this imaginary stuff from
Well...us kiwis don't seem to have any...except the Triumph dealers!...and they charge a fortune for it!!!...1 hrs work..3 hrs spare time..equals a bill for 4 hrs!!
Not sure where you're going with this tal

He is delusional mate , in NZ and Oz we get real 'spare time' IF you do not own your own business. Most work 5 day weeks and most employees get a standard 4 weeks paid vacation and another 10-13 public holidays a year on full pay as well. Then we get get 2 weeks (10 days) full pay sick leave and many get an additional 10 days half pay sick leave with some employers allowing these to accumulate over years to cover a major event in later life. Some industries even pay you out for accumulated sick leave not used on redundancy or contract termination.

Years ago when I was a Govt worker in the NT we got remote area allowances of an extra 2 weeks a year rec leave (6 weeks) with an extra 4 days drive out time each way if you drove or rode interstate. So with w/e's and a few public holidays over Xmas/New Year and Australia Day 26 Jan. you could take about 12 days rec leave and ride/drive interstate for 5 weeks with 18 days annual leave left over.
Oh sweet, sweet days - the last remnant from the days of sail.

If you didn't want to drive you could use you full economy paid annual airfares interstate or overseas with you spouse and dependants or save them up to use later that year or cumulatively. Imagine what it cost for one bloke whom had 8 kids. Later the administration cashed out and paid the allowance annually with the tax component added without even having to travel - he was on clover.
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Now you know why employers have switched to 'Casual' employees they do not have to pay rec or sick leave at all.
Fun being a burden on Taxpayers isn't it!.
Interesting reading that.
Colonials everywhere are the same mate!

All Govt and Defence, armed forces etc etc are too! Just a question of how much cost the taxpayer wants or is forced to bear. That is where democracy, reality, global integration and choice takes effect.

@barbagris Even you could be replaced by a Chinese or Indian import for far less cost if regulations and the democracy you reside in allowed it.
Yes I agree Gregger, as you will see in the photo above I have made a "cover" to fill that gap behind the starter motor.
This blue bike is Grumpy Old Codgers bike, these mufflers are slightly shorter than my standard production unit as he desired.

Phwoooaar....get a load of that beautiful machine! Getting a right old boner just gazing at the symmetry of those pipes and as for the colour? Just perfect!