
a lot go for the tors if its just a slip on louder exhaust sound your after.im getting the dave platt set for mine as they are a fair bit shorter and look a better fit to me
I have the same Dave Platt Outlaws on 2010 roadster....did you have to remap
I have just fitted an xtremeblaster XB08 and am very pleased with it.
a lot go for the tors if its just a slip on louder exhaust sound your after.im getting the dave platt set for mine as they are a fair bit shorter and look a better fit to me
Bin interested in the DP outlaws myself . Do you know of a sound clip for them ? There is a clip for the DP custom silencers on utube but not the outlaws that I can find !
a lot go for the tors if its just a slip on louder exhaust sound your after.im getting the dave platt set for mine as they are a fair bit shorter and look a better fit to me
Be prepared to do a remap
If your after a complete system this is one of 2 choices that are produced in Australia. This is a CES system the other option is Rebands.

Nice exhaust I like how it gathers up front before it returns back and looks like it is snug to the motor. As im just putting on forward controls to my roadster that could be the exhaust I need. How much was the system all up buddy...?
Nice exhaust I like how it gathers up front before it returns back and looks like it is snug to the motor. As im just putting on forward controls to my roadster that could be the exhaust I need. How much was the system all up buddy...?
Mine is 2 years old now. They were $2000 for the complete exhaust I think there still the same Give Trevor a call at CES or drop in and see him at Meadowbrook if your on the south side. There is a thread on this site called Rocket Science. That is about these pipes from design to completion just do a search for it.
I have owned my 2010 roadster for 2 years , admittedly the stock exhausts strangle the beast due to emission and sound laws , so my bike was fitted with tors . Ever since I bin a bit dissapointed with the sound , thinking the bike was still way to quiet ! I bin spending hours mulling other the various options and the associated expense . It was only in the last week or so that I had a revelation , I bumped into someone I know who's house fronts the main half mile drag outta my home town . This guy is a modded car nut who just like us are always looking for bigger and better and noisier! He asked me if I had rode by the evening before whilst he was on his front drive tinkering ? He then went on to say that he heard this machine coming up the hill and stopped what he was doing to see me coming on my rocket , as I passed him and continued accelerating he said the sound of the bike was absolutely incredible , a deep burbling growl that made the actual air around him vibrate nothing like it had he heard before ! Then the other night I went for a ride out with a friend who was on a GSX 1400 fitted with a full yoshi system . I had always been jelous of the sound of his bike !
I hadn't ridden with him since buying my rocket and when we stopped , he came over to me with a huge grin and said " that bike sounds absolutely awesome mate ! I can't believe it , when you came past me at full chat I was enveloped in a sound that made my guts vibrate , it was deafening ! " he likened it to the bass you feel at a live rock concert . Then it occurred to me that sitting stationary on the bike and revving , or even at full chat with the wind blast and crash helmet on , I have not been perceiving the sound of the rocket as others do . There is powerfully loud and there is obnoxious . The former , I think ? Is by far the best and for the forsee able future I am keeping my tors firmly strapped to the side of my Trump ! !
Never gauge the sound of your own exhaust while sitting on the bike. Even worse while riding....you are going forward, and the sound is shooting out backwards causing a Doppler shift, that modifies what it really sounds like from behind or beside, and depending on your helmet, your windshield, if any, and you just don't hear it right. More the fact, you are sitting right with the engine and you are going to hear it's whirring about too and that might mask or modify what you perceive about the exhaust.
I have the same Dave Platt Outlaws on 2010 roadster....did you have to remap
Hey Jez211,

So I just purchase Dave Platt's Outlaws too for my 2016 Roadster. How do you like it? Are they loud? Do you have a sound clip of the sound...if you wouldn't mind? Also, did you have to do a remap or a tune? and do you need a ECU/tuneboy or power commander? Sorry in advance if I'm using incorrect wording... still a Rocket newbie. Please share some insight. Thank you!