Sorry Zen.
There are three sets of two studs (threads on both ends) to which the exhaust bolts on.
Each bolt has a crown nut on it to secure the exhaust to the engine.
The bottom stud on #2 cylinder has a 'stuck crown nut' and while attempting to unbolt the exhaust, the 'stuck crown nut' wouldn't move and the result was the stud back out of it's hole.
I tried liquid wrench in order to 'unstick' the crown nut... to no avail.
The stud has a 'ring' on the backside (engine side) that prevents the stud from being released from the exhaust (i.e. the exhaust is between the 'ring' and the 'stuck crown nut'). Therefore, making it impossible to 'double nut' so that I can 'unstick' the crown nut.
I tried splitting another nut and using both halves in a desperate attempt to double nut but there's insufficient space to get both halves in place.
I ended up using a cutoff wheel to cut the stud in half and ordered new ones from the local Trumphy dealer. Currently awaiting their arrival.
I've learned my lessons well....
(1) When asking for help, be clear...
(2) if the technician gives you pause, listen to yourself and go somewhere else
(3) Don't over-torque your nuts, it's painful.