Exhaust stud backed out of the block....Need Advice


Dec 5, 2006
Durham, NC
I was removing my Jardines so that I could wrap'em and one of the studs backed out of the block when I was trying to remove the crown nut. The crown nut was over-torqued or something. Perhaps I missed putting anti-seize on that one, I don't know.

I've put penetrating oil on the crown nut to see if I can break it loose.

I need advise on what I need to do to get the stud back in without stripping the threads.

Should I 'clean' the threads with a tap?
Should I use anti-seize on the stud?
Should I use lock-tite? blue? red?

Can someone bail me out? I'm in deep water here....
Can the stud be screwed back in with your fingers? I would make sure the thread inside the block and on the stud are clean,it shouldnt need a tap. Just some some lubricating oil and a small wire pipe brush
Getting the crown off just takes patience and some imagination.
If you damage it,at least its out of the block.
Double nut the stud. Tighten them down hard. Put the stud in a vise (on the double nuts) and remove the crown nut. Use the duble nuts to torque the stud back in and yes use Loctite. Why would you think the threads are damaged? I would use red. Break the double nuts and remove. You're done.
What Zen said is good now lets get to why my guess is that stud was not all the way in the block either it backed out when you went to jardines or it just was not in all the way and the nut got bottomed out on installation thus locking it to the stud somewhat like a double not. if the nut moved any before the stud broke loose the the botoming out of it mashed the first thread so it would lock in the hut on removal thus the stud then broke loose and cam out of the block. Not biggy as if you don't like it buy a new stud and nut and install it.
Thanks Warp/Zen,

Sounds like sage advice.

I'll give it a try since the liquid wrench didn't do the trick.
. Why would you think the threads are damaged?

Because the stud came out 'wobbly'. As if it was cross-threaded when it was installed... It didn't back out straight like I would have expected.

Since the stud is still bolted to the manifold (there's a lip on the stud on one side of the manifold and the nut on the other), I can't reinsert the stud into the engine case to test the threads.
What don't i get here. There is no exhaust manifold. The studs bolt into the heads. Is the stud out (which I thought) or is it in the head? Are you talking about the header flange when you refer to the "manifold"? Confused here. Just what's stuck??...I thought it was only the crown nut. Trying to help you but you are not being clear.
Sorry Zen.

There are three sets of two studs (threads on both ends) to which the exhaust bolts on.

Each bolt has a crown nut on it to secure the exhaust to the engine.

The bottom stud on #2 cylinder has a 'stuck crown nut' and while attempting to unbolt the exhaust, the 'stuck crown nut' wouldn't move and the result was the stud back out of it's hole.

I tried liquid wrench in order to 'unstick' the crown nut... to no avail.
The stud has a 'ring' on the backside (engine side) that prevents the stud from being released from the exhaust (i.e. the exhaust is between the 'ring' and the 'stuck crown nut'). Therefore, making it impossible to 'double nut' so that I can 'unstick' the crown nut.

I tried splitting another nut and using both halves in a desperate attempt to double nut but there's insufficient space to get both halves in place.

I ended up using a cutoff wheel to cut the stud in half and ordered new ones from the local Trumphy dealer. Currently awaiting their arrival.

I've learned my lessons well....

(1) When asking for help, be clear...
(2) if the technician gives you pause, listen to yourself and go somewhere else
(3) Don't over-torque your nuts, it's painful.
could be worse, I actually pulled one from the block, had to use a heli coil kit and tap and re do it, works great now, not had a problem still
could be worse, I actually pulled one from the block, had to use a heli coil kit and tap and re do it, works great now, not had a problem still

good stuff make shore you drill the hole in the center you might have to make a gide plate exaust bolts are always a basted