Exhaust selection advice

Paul Walker

.020 Over
Jan 10, 2018
Rocket III Roadster
Fellow Rocketeers, I have read many posts on replacement exhaust systems but I still need some help to make a decision. I have narrowed it down to Shorty, Viking or Carpenter. I like the balanced look of 3 into 2 and a shorter pipe but at the same time the free flow manifold, low notes and overall performance of the new Carpenter sidewinder may win me over (also hear the Viking performs well). Lastly I am somewhat mechanically challenged so if I do this myself I will need a comprehensive idiots guide to avoid future embarrassing posts for help

I ride a 2013 roadster which is pretty stock, but will pair the selected system with K&N's and modified bearclaw from Brian at MSG.

Let me know your thoughts.
Pick your priorities:

Which order suits you? How loud is too loud for you? The Sidewinder and Brute are loud, but perform great. All other full systems, loud, but quieter than Sidewinder/Brute, but slightly lower performing. Crossover and ToRs, slightly louder than stock, again, slightly lower performing.

How loud is too loud?

With CES you can't be sneaky speeding, when you're on it, people around you will know you're on it, same with the other full systems.

Thanks for the advice. I had 'wake the dead' loud years ago on my Vulcan 2.0, not looking to get super loud again. Price is not a concern, performance and looks are primary needs.
Thanks for the advice. I had 'wake the dead' loud years ago on my Vulcan 2.0, not looking to get super loud again. Price is not a concern, performance and looks are primary needs.

I heard a Carpenter exhaust a couple of years ago and to me it was wake the dead, ear shattering loud but that's a subjective judgement. I had Jardines on my 07 Classic for awhile and thought they were way too loud. They resonated even through my helmet.

And unfortunately for we Rocket owners there aren't many, if any, off the shelf options such as when Jardine was making them for the Rocket. I switched to TORs and they are still on the bike.
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Carp pipes are loud, Jardines are loud but not as much so. The CES and Reband are a notch down, loud when on power but when cruising or on gentle throttle they're not terribly loud. I can't imagine anyone would be offended by TORs, they sound good but are in no way what I would call loud, if that helps.

In my 1/3 mile races you can clearly hear the bike 1/3 mile away still using CES:
Had stock, then Jardines, then Carpenter, Jardines are loud, Carpenters are LOUD, OK for short runs, but loud enough that I rarely ride it cross country any more, I usually take the BMW instead.
Thanks for the advice. I had 'wake the dead' loud years ago on my Vulcan 2.0, not looking to get super loud again. Price is not a concern, performance and looks are primary needs.

Like Rob wrote:
I would add, Appearance & Leg Clearance to that list.
Now decide which is your priority.
I ride long trips, so for me its Power & ergonomics.
Note: I also rode a V2K for 82,000 miles with Cobra Speedster, Cobra HP & Vance & Hines headers.
The Roadster is not nearly as loud and my CES is fairly quiet until the throttle is greased.
Even then its not near as loud as my V2K was, which won me two trophies for loudest bike at meets.

Post a pic of yours will you Steve? I've never seen it. I thought Rob's had a nice rumble to them but weren't particularly loud. Of course we were just loping along at just about the speed limit when we rode around PO so I never really got the chance to hear him open the throttle. Are CECs off the shelf or custom made when ordered?

I know you were kidding me about my new TORs being very quiet but I sure liked the sound. They have a much lower exhaust note than do the triples on my 07.