Exhaust port dimensions?

Thanks for the appreciative comment Skip. Regarding the heat shield I am able to omit that - I've fitted my own rearsets. I had the pipes mocked up whilst I was sat on the bike to make sure my legs didn't go anywhere near the manifolds. Of course if I ever went back to standard pegs (extremely unlikely!) I'd need to do something or get an asbestos pair of trousers
Well I picked the bike up today - my God she flies now! The pipe is a lot quieter than the TOR's until the revs rise and then she bellows. There is a marked increase in performance with an almost two stroke rush at the top end. I don't know how much is down to ditched weight or how much is down to improved breathing. I saw 140 come up in no time at all whreas before there'd be a struggle to get there. Looking at the manifold and collector that came off it's all right angles and odd lengths - no wonder the old girl breathes better now!

Anyway here's the final result - looks awesome in the flesh I'm a happy bunny
radar--that is some "sweet and tasty" work your guys did on the pipes!! (except for bland springs!) very nice blends/etc.
what material did they use? hard to tell from pics.
glad to hear you are running better---sure looks nice!!
-keep up the good work.

would like to see future pics to see if there are any color variations in the forward bends off the head , due to temperature , since it is a new design . --Thanks--john
Thanks for the appreciative comments guys. The pipes weren't too bad a price in the scheme of things and I'm just an ordinary Joe with short arms and deep pockets . Consider what you'd pay for a full system for a ****** rocket and my pipes came in at roughly the same price. So all in all not too bad for a bespoke system

The guys who did the job are an awesome team. They had some very tasty stuff in their shop when I went round. They were doing a system for an Aston Martin DBR1 Car #4 . One of only five ever built. The driver (who was there to oversee proceding told me the owner has it valued at £7M!!! So given that they were entrusted to that kind of vehicle I knew my bike was in good hands.

The pipes are stainless and were polished; almost as soon as I started the bike they started going a bronze colour that I quite like. I'll post more pics when they're bedded in. I've just removed the insert from the Akrapovic can and will see how loud it is in the morning when I ride it to work. As mentioned earlier it is quieter than the TOR's with the insert in so I am not expecting Thor's Hammer when I strat her tomorrow.

For those guys off to the MCN bash at Skegness this weekend - see you there.
Looks good!

But drop those ugly Triumph mirrors, put on some risers and roll those bars down toward the tank a bit, they look like antlers. 86 the front signals and get a set of flips brake line clamps.

The rear all the way up to the tank looks like you're gonna go balls out but the front looks like a kiddie bike and should have some tassels hanging off the bars.

Oh, and nix that stock rear plate...

(no insult is intended by this post, it's just my personal styling opinion)
radar--keep us posted w/ any new changes on them--"lookin good"!!

I agree my friend. I have some 1" 'Jota' bars to fit but need to look at the throttle cable run. When I fitted them the cable would snag a little and keep the throttle open. There's a belly pan and fly screen off to my painter this week so that'll sharpen up the look at the front. Agree on the plate as well - but the 'old bill' are keen around here and so I don't want to push things too far and risk a pull by the law.

I'll post more pics when the next set of mods are on