Exhaust box GONE!!

That's really interesting. Unless of course the Bike Bandit parts list is incorrect and the stock parts are different.

Now, does the Staintune part work with stock headers and stock mufflers? If not, and it only works with a complete Staintune system then it makes sense as the R3T mufflers are significantly different than the Roadster mufflers. But if it will work with the stock parts, and the stock Exhaust Link Pipe is the same on both bikes, how could the Staintune part not fit?

Very curious indeed.
a good point! I think it would require someone taking the gamble or knowing someone with one on their roadster or about to fit one and try it on the touring I can't see why it would not fit unless it has something to do with the frame being different
Some good info there!!!

a good point! I think it would require someone taking the gamble or knowing someone with one on their roadster or about to fit one and try it on the touring I can't see why it would not fit unless it has something to do with the frame being different

Thanks for making the call to Staintune! I e-mailed their tech support but haven't heard back from them. I do know there is a difference in the crossover on the roadster vs the touring, but I wasn't too concerned about it. The touring uses a mid-bracket welded to the crossover just below the front of the swingarm and the roadster (from what I can see) does not. I wasn't gonna worry about that because that is an easy item to remove from the old crossover and weld to the new crossover. If you look at some of my earlier posts when I was fabbing the one that I have on the bike now, you can see the center hanger. What I'm hoping to get info on is the inlet diameter and the outlet diameters........if the diameters of the staintune pipe are same as stock on inlet and outlets then I am willing to take the gamble. Thanks again Hanso and those of you that got back to me on this
Aaargg,,,just remembered the stock Touring box actually had TWO hangers,,,one just ahead of the RH muff and the one in the center that I mentioned. I did not use the RH hanger on my fabbed crossover because I simply didn't see the need for it once the bulky crossover box was removed. I have no leaks and no vibration so its gonna stay the way it is. I know the crossover I made using the existing LH pipe is an improvement over the box, but I know the staintune crossover would flow better. I couldn't find anyone near me to do a tight mandrel "S" bend out of stainless tubing...so I worked with what I could find.
This might be the key....

My local dealer just got a roadster in,,,so I'm gonna take a gander at it this PM. I e-mailed Staintune again,,,this time specifically asking for the inlet and outlet diameters of their pipe. Has anyone out there got measurements of their stock roadster crossover inlet and outlet diameters?????? I may just post a new string and ask that because I'm sure a bunch of roadster owners have done the exhaust upgrade and may have their OE crossover still layin under the bench.

The Jardine crossover for the R3T has no hangers. It is fully supported by the header and mufflers. So, I'd expect no problems with your design.
Jardine header?

The Jardine crossover for the R3T has no hangers. It is fully supported by the header and mufflers. So, I'd expect no problems with your design.
Just wondering.....is the jardine header the same length and outlet diameter as the stocker? I imagine its not, but thought it was worth asking. How close does the Jardine crossover look to the Staintune pic on this string?
Just wondering.....is the jardine header the same length and outlet diameter as the stocker? I imagine its not, but thought it was worth asking. How close does the Jardine crossover look to the Staintune pic on this string?

Not similar at all. The Jardine header pipe actually extends about 1/2 way across the width of the underside and clamps to another piece that then curves around to clamp to the muffler section. Not sure about the outlet size, but I doubt they're the same.
Touring vs Roadster crossover

Staintune finally returned my e-mail and said that they did manufacture a crossover (which they call a collector), but they stopped production over a year ago,,,but they have none left in stock now. Huh,,,,wonder who bought the ones they did make?? Must be all those people who didn't want more power out of their Touring

I'm still waiting to see if someone can give me dimensions of the stock Roadster crossover, cause if they are the same inlet-outlet diameters I may chance the Roadster pipe.....although I didn't ask price yet

Nice if they got their story straight e-mail probaly answered by the same bloke that spoke to his name wasn't Colin by any chance was it
"Nice if they got their story straight e-mail probaly answered by the same bloke that spoke to his name wasn't Colin by any chance was it "

Yep, that was him....I had asked for some info on the headpipe, but he blew that off