Evaluating old classic look of mine Classic


.060 Over
Nov 1, 2010
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Years ago when I decided to buy my beast, I went for a used Classic that came with toons of accessories ....later I start pulling out that Classic look and put it more aggressive style....I switch to slash cut pipes .... And others....now I have understand that the classic look could stay in the eyes of every men who sees and love my bike ....but the important fact is to know how far you could pull your hand in those aggressive situations ( as when I was busted by a V max days ago) when you need more power..... maybe is time to get it back to its origins.... What do you think? :rolleyes:
I'm with Tomcat go find his arse. Oh have you had the bike tuned yet? You just might find some more ponies in there you can use. Whats your rev limiter set at and are them Tors on her or stockers?