Ethanol gas sucks

Y'all are discussing one of my pet peeves. Freaking ethanol fuel. I avoid it like the plague when ever possible. Here's a good resource for staying away from the junk

Edit. The link didn't seem to work when I tried it. If you search for it on the browser it will take you to it

I hear ya but we can get it anywhere in NJ. This state sucks. Think I’ll send Trump a tweet, see what he can do for us!!

The link worked fine thanks for the list!
Another item to consider is the octane rating. I know in the states you can still buy 85 octane, which is no good in a hemi. Hemi's are recommended to run on 89 octane with 87 being acceptable. Once to really start to work them (especially in hot temps) 87 won't due. The ECU will retard the timing to prevent knock, costing you up to 30hp. When I tow in hot temps I run 91 octane without any loss of power.

I run 89 all the time and still a noticeable Improvement with real gas.
Several of our local Wawa stores have converted half of their diesel pumps over to ethanol-free 89 octane gas. It's been a nice addition.