Enter The Kawasaki Zed H2...

The lack of hard bags isn't a big deal to me on this bike since I have other bikes set up for travel, etc..
My intended use for the bike would be day rides and the occasional hotel stay overnighter so a tank or tail bag should suffice.
One thing I like about the way Kawasaki does thing is all the electronic gizmos like launch control and quick shifter with auto blip are included in the MSRP instead of being add ons like the European brands are so fond of doing.
Ya its not a deal breaker for me I just would mind some removable bags like the sxse+ if I had that I might think about dumping my extras and use it for both. I'll have to try it and the sport touring styl to see what fits me betyer. But I'm already leaning torwards the Zed.
Thanks for the pics and info. Cool bike but its front end is a bit bizarre . I have the Ninja 1000SX (similar genes to this one) and my issue with that bike is that even after changing seats twice it ends up pushing me forward in the seat to an uncomfortable riding position . This bike intrigues me but of my 3 bikes (Rocket 3 Roadster. Trophy SE and Ninja 1000 SX) the ninja is the one which gets less riding time simply because it is too cramped (I am just over 6ft)
I really love these bikes. The first new bikes in years I've looked at and thought "Yeah, I'd have one of them". And at a pretty reasonable MSRP too!
Love it but way out of my leage
That is EXACTLY my worry, Lupe.
I am 60 years old - my reation times are slowing, my eyes are dulling. I would love to get onto a modern street missile, with all sorts of rider-assists.
But based on the recently discovered abilities of a modern 790 with cornering ABS etc etc etc: an H2 or anything in the "Wooo-Hoooo" league would be, I think, a speedy nemesis.
And I so very nearly went for a 1290SDR - But folk who have one and whom I respect said it was basically always like riding a knife edge.
The main reason I have never had a modern "Super-Bike" is that I know I will use it.