engine misbehaving at idle

Quite possible I guess although I claim no greater attention to detail than anyone else when it comes to maintenance chores. I would much rather be doing something cool to it than changing the oil or washing it. I do those things, but not with the regularity that I probably should
I would much rather be doing something cool to it than changing the oil or washing it. I do those things, but not with the regularity that I probably should
My bike has been modified and I do routine maintenance...But I say "If you have time to wash it, you have time to ride it." So I ride.
my 07 now has 27000 miles on it i don't do much to it. leaky front forks, relays to protect the ign. switch and ride. i did have the high rpms coming off the freeway and just spraying the linkage with wd40 cleared it all up. i still have the orignal tps and i have the tunecu to check if i get problems. i recently installed the better starter motor and extra ground cable. i have run the premium gas for the last 20000 miles.
My bike has been modified and I do routine maintenance...But I say "If you have time to wash it, you have time to ride it." So I ride.

I'm retired...i can wash it and ride it anytime I want. I consider routine maintenance to be more that washing, checking or changing oil, brakes, tires, air pressure, etc. I look at as inspecting and cleaning the battery connections. If I have reason to raise the tank, check those vacuum lines and look for any issues with wiring. Testing the battery periodically. Lube my throttle and clutch cables. Clean and Lube the return springs on the injection bodies, etc. These things need to be done at the beginning of the riding season and throughout the season depending on what kind of conditions you have been riding in. I guess I have always more proactive about avoiding issues on the motorcycles I have owned. That's just me.
Dang that's a lot, No I'm just joking. I do maintenance on an on going bases. Virtually all that you have mentioned, I do throughout the riding season. Here in Georgia we don't have much of a winter and since I don't mind riding in 40F temperatures I have about an 11 month season. I preform maintenance on commercial HVAC equipment and truly believe in preventive and proactive maintenance. If you take care of the machinery the machinery will take care of you.
All the Maintenance in the world wont stop a TPS going bad I have had 2 go original lasted 40,000km second one lasted 18,000 km they are a very fickle and can go of at any time for no reason at all
I would consider changing MAP sensor or at least borrowing one off a mate to try.
The industry I am in uses lots of sensors and man do they cause grief sometimes.
If that doesnt do it try swapping out the various other sensors on the bike to at least eliminate the sensor issue.