Engine Guards and Coolant Bottle Relocation

Funny 'bout that - I use it every time but I've never been able to get coolant to actually come out of it.

Must be getting the air out tho, after several warm-up cycles, once properly topped up, the coolant level never varies.
Not to forget that the rocket has a bleed bolt just above the thermostat housing that should be used when changing the coolant.

Goth is right provided the cating plug in the head did not shift during the poor. I have 2 heads both witht he plug bur one never worked. I scoped it and founf the the casting plug shifted or it was made of sand and blew out in my 06 head. This made it so the rectangular sltot that is right below the bolt had shifted and was not there. Only thing I can do is next time I have the head off I will have to set it up in the mill and machine the water channel so it works. My 07 head has it in there and functions well. I must admit I never have and coolant expand/boil out of the radiator anyway.
re-installed the ugly-ass stock plastic bottle until I can get some cushioned p-clamps to re-mount the Weapon-R bottle to the inside of the engine guard. Went to the local hardward store and found p-clamps that would have been perfect but the largest size was 1". I'll have to find an 1-1/4" somewhere online.