Engine Crash Bars

I am off to europe in april for a month I have a place there, I could take care for one set shipping or bring them to N-A if a captain absolutely must have the v4 bars this summer

Great offer, comrade! Now, if we could only get you to pay for half...

Where's your euro pied-a-terre?
Ummm... tasty!
I know top floor with balcony facing the sea , and what we are calling in the harbor "le quai des millionaire" heineken kept his yacht there along with paul allen. I get the view but nothing else
Yes those are the older and reported weak Triumph Bars I can tell from the upper mount welds.
I agree. I had a set. They would bend if I put too much foot pressure on them.
What is the website for the German bars

Link Removed

I attempted to contact Edelstahl v4A via their website email contact info@v4a.eu and initially did not receive a reply but after a second attempt received the following reply from an email address titled:
Johann Lamminger with actual address hlamminger@web.de.
"We have acquired the general distribution for the Edelstahl Rocket Roadster radiator cover*. The price for the Edelstahl Kühlerverkleidung (High-gloss, polished stainless steel) 109,-- Euros. , shipping charges, 44,--Euro.

Greding Hans"

*My translation

That is a an increase from 75 Euros on the website, (+45% ouch!), and AUD $230 total with shipping.
I don't know what that means for the crash bars prices but I'm afraid to ask.

I was REALLY impressed with their revised product image they sent me too.

I didn't make this up the original website version was 140 cid.

I think the Flipmeisters' look great and much better priced too. Signature Products | Flipmeisters Specialty Products
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