Engine Crash Bars

WOW! Have vacationed there, but never spent enough time to notice all that corrosiveness.
BTW - In my experience, grade 8 bolts are rather brittle and I'd consider using grade 5 on my engine guard.
Yes those are the older and reported weak Triumph Bars I can tell from the upper mount welds.
Absolutely. This is the best pic I could find of the improved design and this is a close as I could get, but the stronger top mount is clearly visible. worth spending the extra IMO.
I had the original OEM "Dresser" bars, and they broke just from riding. They never even had highway pegs on them. They were replace under warranty. When the replacement set broke they replaced them under warranty with the new OEM design. 100,000 miles later and all is good. The original ones were worthless, the new ones are very good.
look into edelsthal v4 crash bars nothing compare to them albeit rater expensive 50 mm chrome or black